Texas for Heroes
Texas for Heroes offers retreats for veterans who are looking for support in recovering from the emotional wounds of military service. These Healing Warrior Hearts retreats give veterans an opportunity to share, understand, and process military experiences that have had an emotional impact that is still unresolved. Hundreds of veterans have experienced the life-changing and long-lasting impact of sharing their stories with veterans and supportive civilians in these retreats
Veterans who come to our retreats are looking for mental and emotional peace, through release of emotions related to circumstances of their service. They have a story they want to tell and that needs to be heard, unconditionally and compassionately, by fellow veterans and civilians.
You are ready to attend a retreat if you are wanting your life to change, to be more positive and peaceful. You will be able to share as much or as little of your story as you choose. We will take time to help you create emotional safety and make connections with the other retreat participants and staff. We will share laughter and meals, maybe tears, as we build camaraderie and, for some, life-long friendships.
Healing Warrior Hearts is non-denominational – we honor your spiritual or religious practice and do not promote a specific philosophy beyond respect for the individual. We are non-discriminatory to race, age, gender, sexual preference, discharge status or type of service. We say it this way, “There is only One Heart, and it matters to this One.”
Anyone who has served in the military is welcome to attend. Discharge status is not a factor and a copy of a DD214 is not required. Length of service, branch of service, location of service or MOS, combat or non-combat – it doesn’t matter. All are welcome!
“My father was a veteran of the Vietnam War. I never understood his actions and reactions to things until we attended a weekend with Texas for Heroes. I’m XX years old. That weekend was the first time in my life that he hugged me.”
Our retreats are designed to give participants an extended experience, from Friday evening through Sunday evening, this program is not a residential retreat. Participants will return home each evening (unless they have traveled from a distance, in which case we will help to provide lodging for the weekend). The continuity of the three-day program allows for a deeper experience of connection and emotional safety.
Veterans will experience a community of support from fellow vets as well as civilians, people committed and willing to listen to the vets' stories with compassion and confidentiality and without judgment.
In the Media
Enjoy these videos about the important work we do.
Veterans Journey Home Final Trailer
The trailer for our long form film to come... featuring John Bateson, Gabriella Lettini, Walt Stewart, Matthew Griffin, a Marine captain, Gene McMahon, Sam Luna, Gloria Luna... and 1.7 million returning U.S. Vets looking for YOUR support to transition home...
Veterans Journey Home Final Trailer
The trailer for our long form film to come... featuring Army Ranger Captain Matthew Griffin, Marine captain Kalani Creutzburg, and 2.7 million returning U.S. Vets looking for YOUR support to transition home...
Group Helps Veterans Overcome PTSD Struggles
Media interview and story of Johni's journey at Healing Warrior Hearts http://www.healingwarriorhearts.org
Third try was the charm for veteran looking to heal from PTSD
Chris McNulty and Patricia Clason interviews on Heroes Come Home.
Local woman founds 'Healing Warrior Hearts' to benefit veterans, families